Wednesday, September 26

Getting Workshopped Part I

At the end of class last week Dr. Bailey asked me and Theresa, a writing major who lives just down the hall from me, to e-mail our short stories out to everyone in the class. We were going to be the first ones to get workshopped. Everyone else in the class would print the stories out, read them, mark them up and write us critique letters. Theresa and I would do the same with each other’s works.

I’d been workshopped before while I was at Susquehanna for the summer workshop, but I was nervous anyway. Since I’m actually a real writing major now, I felt like this one really counted for something.

Besides, the last time my work came up for review, my three-page “short” short, it had tanked. So this time around I didn’t let myself become too emotionally attached to my work, or at least to my first draft, anyway. I tried to remain distant from the story so I could look at it objectively and make the changes necessary to make it a better story.

Monday night I made some last-minute revisions on my story, “Broken,” and I sent it out.